Westport/Broadway Streetscape [Kansas City, MO] : Westport is one of the most unique districts in the Kansas City metropolitan area. It includes some of the area’s oldest buildings and served an important role in the history and development of Kansas City. Broadway Boulevard is a key component of Kansas City’s famed Parks and Boulevards System, and links three important districts – the 39th and Broadway District, Westport, and the Country Club Plaza.
The Westport/Broadway Boulevard district features predominately historic brick buildings with a rich history. The streetscape design is responsive to this context, and includes tumbled brick pavers, new street trees, pedestrian lighting, and site furnishings. A continuous linear space of high quality growing medium under the brick pavers and through the street tree planters (a soil trench) provides an ideal environment for tree growth and success. This element also captures and reuses storm water runoff from the adjacent sidewalk.
Rick Howell and Brett Payton led the design and implementation phases of these projects while working with GEA.